Easy Long line

Easy Long

The innovative hair line perfect for anyone who dreams of long hair, with Tahitian Algae from the Polynesian Sea that promote faster hair growth. Your wish is our command!

Our (not so) secret formula


Tahitian Seaweed

From the Polynesian Sea, an active ingredient rich in minerals, vitamins, carotenoids, proteins and polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Having the long hair of your dreams has never been easier!

*Clinical test on a panel of 30 volunteers.
  • +44% More growth
    in 4 weeks*!
    From the follicle to the end, Tahitian algae stimulates localized cell proliferation in the follicle region, promoting faster hair growth, and helps to make your hair more vibrant and dense, with a stronger appearance.

Our support, always by your side

Master every product of this line with our step-by-step brochure perfect for anyone who dreams of long hair. If you’re excited to learn even more, head to our Education section for a wide range of videos about the Yellow Professional world.

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